Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Perinatology Appointment

My first Perinatology appointment!

Due to my recent busy schedule I haven't had a chance to blog since my last appointment. Moving across country is no easy task, let me tell you! We decided it was financially smarter to sell our furniture here and repurchase when we get to California. So long story short we have been selling and packing all weekend and getting ready to ship my car. Christian has decided to drive home with our dog (flying with a dog plus shipping the car was going to cost way too much). His mom is meeting him in Louisiana to keep him company and help with all the driving (such a good mama!!). And plus I know Chris is looking forward to time with her, he is definitely his mama’s boy (can’t believe I will soon have two little men who love me like he loves his mom, its a love I cant wait to feel)!

But now on to the babies exciting news, the long awaited perinatology appointment was last week!! I didn't realize how long this appointment would be or how detailed the ultrasound would be. It was so exciting and absolutely AMAZING!

The first thing the ultrasound technician checks is to see how my cervix looks. They will be checking this every other week from now on to be sure I am showing no signs of preterm labor (if there is any signs of preterm labor, the dreaded bed rest begins). Thankfully, my cervix is long and closed. YAY!

Next, I told the ultrasound technician we weren’t completely sure what the fraternal triplets sex was. So then she checked all the babies sexes as well as designated “names” for each of them. What I mean by name is that the babies will now be baby A, baby B, and baby C. Baby A being closest to the cervix and baby C being furthest. They will be “named” this way until birth. This is to keep track of each of babies individual growth. 

So the exciting news is...... (Drum Roll....)

Two boys and a little girl!!!! (like we thought)
(here is the proof)

Baby A

Our first baby boy!! 

Baby B

Our second baby boy!

Baby C

Our littlest baby girl!!

Next the ultrasound technician checked each individual baby. This was when the appointment got really amazing. They look at each babies brain and measure the cranial bone. Then a very detailed check of each babies spine is done, they view it four different ways. They can see the babies heart and each different chamber. I was getting tired by the time we got to the third baby! ha.. can you believe that? It was close to a three hour appointment. 

The only thing the doctor mentioned as being a bit concerning was the babies having slightly shorter limbs. This obviously made me really nervous. The doctor explained that the only reason this would be of a greater concern is if one baby had much shorter limbs then the others or if they had extremely short limbs. This is not the case they all seemed to measure slightly lower as far as percentile. So he set my mind at ease and assured me that it was nothing to worry about! (of course I am praying for this everyday but I trust in the Lord!) 

I will say, getting to watch them for two hours was so amazing. The boys were of course “wrestling” around the whole time. When one moved the other would move! They already seem to be best buddies!! <3 And our littlest princess is a wild one(just like her big sister was)! She was moving nonstop almost the whole time, it took awhile to get her measurements! I cried at one point because I was so overwhelmed with joy, just looking at my beautiful babies I am so thankful!

My next appointment will be in California. I have a initial appointment on February 25th (the day after I land ha I don't wait any time) and then a specialist appointment Friday the 27th! I couldn't be more excited to be heading home and getting settled in. And lets be honest, I am SO ready to start shopping!! :)

Currently I am 19 weeks! I can feel the babies a lot now but not enough for Christian or Aubrey to feel. They both cant wait. Aubrey has been so excited, she reads to the babies everyday and talks to them a lot. It is so precious and I know she is going to be a great big sister! Christian calls me about four times a day while he is at work, he is always worried and checking in. He is such a great man! Spoils me with back rubs and foot rubs everyday! 

Well thats it for today, I will be updating more often now that things are setting down!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Another Doctor Visit! Plus a baby bump photo!

Well I am officially in my 17th week!! I almost feel like I am halfway (WOOHOO!), although I am hoping to make it to 36 weeks. 

Anyways, I had another appointment yesterday and was able to peek at my beautiful little babies! I didn’t get printed out pictures this time which is a bummer, but next time I will. The babies were moving and playing like always, they are very active little ones. The most exciting news we got was when one of the little identical twins decided to stick his tiny booty right in our faces! This did confirm we are having two identical little boys!!!! Christian was thrilled when I called with this news, I think in the back of his mind he feared all three babies being little girls! Don’t get me wrong, he loves being a daddy to his princess but man would he be out numbered! Ha! Unfortunately, our third little one was being shy AGAIN lol.. so we are still calling baby C a she.

In more boring news, I did my 1 hour glucose sugar test (the test where they have you drink that gross sugar drink and get your blood taken an hour later) and I passed!! Thank goodness, most moms with triplets don’t pass the hour test and have to come back to do the five hour test, meaning you get your blood drawn five times! This is not fun for anyone lol! Then yesterday I got my blood drawn for the quad screening which tests for certain birth defects. 

The most recent “drama” is that I STILL have not seen a perinatologist or maternal-fetal medicine specialist! These are doctors who specialize in high-risk pregnancies. My insurance is Kaiser and unfortunately there aren’t any Kaisers in the Savannah area. I have been dealing with Kaiser over the phone for a few months now in attempt to get a referral to the specialist, which is all I need for Kaiser to cover the visits. I even “HAD” to drive 8 hours round trip to Atlanta for an initial visit with Kaiser. I was under the impression I would be getting a referral to the specialist then but unfortunately I am still waiting. Thankfully Kaiser is paying my regular OBGYN, so I have been seeing him regularly but he is very persistent that the babies and I need to be checked and okayed to fly before we leave on the 24th!  So I will keep you updated on when I finally get to see the specialist!

Well, this entry was slightly boring but I will add a baby bump picture!

Oh and yes, this picture was at work 😕 my last day! So bitter sweet, I loved my job!

Monday, February 2, 2015

First "scary" moment!

Well today I officially had my first "wow this isn't a normal pregnancy" scare! 

This morning, like many others, was very hectic! Getting myself and Aubrey ready and out the door on Mondays can be a little difficult HA! Well this particular morning I forgot to eat breakfast and didn't grab a breakfast bar. Note to self, DONT DO THAT!! Lol...

Well by the time lunch came around I began to feel a little sick. Suddenly I started to sweat, my arms felt really heavy and my vision got blurry.. I started to see black spots! I immediately new something was wrong but I had no idea what could be going on. I wasn't sure if I was going to pass out so I closed my eyes and called my mom hoping she would know what to do. Right away she asked if I had eaten anything and I realized I hadn't. She told me to grab whatever I could and EAT! Luckily I had a chicken wrap. I scarfed it down. Then my mom told me to go take my blood pressure. Well, normal is 120/80 and low is considered 90/60! I was 92/50 (and that was after I had eaten)! It eventually went back up to normal (111/81). 

Needless to say, I can't skip meals. Lesson learned! 

Instagram Picture ❤️

Can't believe I'm already losing sight of my feet!! Grow babies grow!! 

Fun Pregnancy Survey!

Maternity Clothes: Yes and no, I can wear my leggings still and just bigger tops. I did go shopping this past weekend and I picked up a few pair of maternity jeans as well as a few tops (Target and Motherhood)! When I am at home I wear comfortable sweatpants or PJ pants and at work I wear scrubs (which are way too small, I had to go buy a bigger pair from Walmart last week).  

Stretch Marks: No new ones yet! I got a few with my first pregnancy (they have almost disappeared now) but I imagine they will creep back up eventually. I have been using palmers body butter every night before bed and every morning, so I am hoping that will help!

Sleep:  I have NO trouble falling asleep, heck I am in bed at 8:30pm every night ha! However, staying asleep is a whole different story. Between waking up to go to the bathroom and waking up to roll over to my other side (because I’m numb on one side lol) I am up at least 8 times a night. But like I said, no problem falling back asleep!

Best Moment This Week: I think the best moment this week so far was getting my flight home to California! I am so excited to be able to start shopping and crafting (I am a pinterest lover) for the babies! So now we have a moving date (February 24th). Yay!

Movement: Yes! I have been feeling “fluttering” and “gold fish” movements for a while now, but I am finally feeling stronger movements. It feels more like “rolling”!

Food Cravings: I am obsessed with peaches, nectarines, and kiwis! I also have to admit, I have had chipotle at least once a week this month ha! I love the Chicken Bowl!

Genders: Well at 12 weeks we were told two boys and a girl J but at 16 weeks the Midwife we saw couldn’t get a good view.. so it’s still two boys and a girl!

Symptoms: My feet have been a tad sore, but nothing a little foot rub from the hubby can’t cure.  Also round ligament pain every once in a while but I figure that has to be normal with these little babies growing so fast!

Wedding Ring on or off: On! Luckily it’s not even tight yet (knock on wood)!

Happy or moody: I have been so happy and in such great spirits my whole pregnancy thus far! Which is very different from my first pregnancy, I cried about anything and everything HA. But recently I have been easily stressed out. I think the combination of moving (which includes going through everything we have and deciding what to keep and what to purge, packing our apartment, shipping our cars and furniture, scheduling dates, getting Aubrey ready to transfer schools) and well everything else on my plate, I am overwhelmed! Oh and I am still working L I keep telling myself to take a deep breath and relax, it works sometimes lol..

Weight Gain: Yeppers! Not sure how much to be honest but I am going to keep better track of that from now on.

Looking forward to:  Getting home to California and into our new home!!! I am also excited for my next ultrasound because I am hoping we will find out the babies sexes with more certainty.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

12 Week Ultrasound

Here are some of the pictures we got from our first ultrasound! It sure seems like a lot of baby it there!! 

Baby A and B appear to be in the same sack, which would mean they are identical twins! The ultrasound tech seemed pretty sure these two were little boys. Seems really early to tell but I'm sure we will know more next time. 
Baby C is all by her lonesome, meaning she is fraternal. I say she because again the ultrasound tech believed baby C is a girl! 

So exciting, I look at these pictures everyday and can't wait to meet my precious babies! 

Three New Blessings!!

Welcome 2015 and the start of what I expect to be a crazy year! My name is Allie Peyrucain and my wonderful husband is Christian Peyrucain. I am currently the mother of a beautiful six year old little girl named Aubrey. Well, as you might be able to tell by this blog title, I am now being blessed with three new angels. But we will get to that. Feel free to skip over this part but I am going to give you a little background on mine and my husband, Christian Peyrucain's life so far. Our story began when i was only 14 years old. We started out as friends and eventually blossomed into more. We had our daughter Aubrey at the young ages of 17. This wasn't easy! We struggled and even broke up for a period of time. I’m sure if you asked any teen parent they would tell you that its a tough road to walk but so worth it. My husband and I always loved each other and prayed for one another through it all. Eventually we grew into more mature adults who were ready to start a life together as one. 

We were also very blessed with loving families who stood behind us and supported us all along the way, ha who am I kidding they still do! Thank God! My husband and I have walked though some very difficult times, but I am so proud to say we have only grown and become stronger not only in our relationship together but in our relationship with the Lord. 

We both grew up in Northern California with wonderful families and friends. I can honestly say, I never imagined leaving! California was my home. But as God would have it, he recently blessed my husband with a job opportunity here in Savannah Georgia! So yes we packed up and left everything we’d known to move across the country. Talk about stepping out of our comfort zone! I must say as a family this was a big growing experience.We had to rely on each other and lean on one another completely. In the end we proved to each other our strength and our ability to be a great team!

We decided we were ready to have another baby and expand our little family. We started trying in the beginning of October. We then found out we were pregnant in September! We were ecstatic and things were moving quickly. After awhile I scheduled my first doctor appointment. It went wonderfully! He guessed I was about 10 weeks and then scheduled me to come back for an ultrasound to get a more accurate due date. Well, this is where the story gets interesting! 

I was so excited the morning of my ultrasound! Christian and I were secretly hoping they would be able to tell us the sex of THE baby, but we knew that was a stretch. Ha were we in for a surprise. As I lay on the exam table waiting for the screen to turn on and show my newest blessing the ultrasound tech turns to me and asks,”How blessed are you feeling today?”..... Of course I thought she was only referring to being blessed with ONE baby. So I responded with “very blessed”. She then asked me again,”Are you feeling really blessed today?” Finally the screen I could see lit up and to my surprise I saw two babies!! I turned to the ultrasound tech and asked her, ”Am I having twins?!?” I was in shock, I couldn't believe it. I suddenly wished Christian was with me. The ultrasound tech turned to look at me and she said, “Hunny, you are having triplets!!!” My heart dropped into my stomach and I felt as if I was in a dream. This couldn't be real. I was only 24, I didn't have multiples in my family, I had never done fertility. How was this possible? The rest of the appointment was spent ooohhing and ahhing over my three new blessings. Watching them move and kick. I was then told that two of the babies were identical twins and looked to be two little boys!! The third was fraternal and possibly a girl. I was in so much shock I don't think I asked a single question!

When I left the office I was on cloud nine.I was so excited to have three new additions to my family. There is something about seeing your babies moving inside of you that really changes everything. I was suddenly in love with them, suddenly cared more for them than I imagined, I was protective of them. They are my babies!

I immediately called Christian with the good news! I honestly cant remember exactly how I told him, like I said CLOUD NINE! I told him he was probably getting his boy! But then I told him he would be having THREE NEW BABIES!! Im pretty sure there was the initial, no way, your kidding, get out...then I recall yelling in excitement! Finally I filled him in on everything I knew and then he had to head back to work. Poor guy, how he focused on work that day I do not know! Of course I called my mom and others to share the good news! 

As the next few days passed I started reading everything I could get my hands (technically eyes.. seeing as I was using the internet) on. To my dismay it seemed like everything I read was about the risks and complications. Fear started to take over my thoughts, I was so worried something would go wrong. I cried myself to sleep three nights in a row. I was nervous about the babies, nervous about a c-section, nervous about after and how in the world I would care for three newborns and my almost seven year old! What about bed rest and my babies being in the NICU. I was so overwhelmed.

As I continued my internet search I began reading blogs. Let me tell you, this changed everything. It was nice to hear from actual mothers of triplets. I started reading about moms who went through this journey and did wonderfully. Moms who documented there experience and now have three beautiful children. It was so inspiring and pushed me to have a more positive outlook. I can do this. I will do this. I am blessed. 

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” -Philippians 4:13  

(I can't figure out pictures yet, but I will soon! Also, this post is late.. Im currently 16 weeks and will be posting more updates soon.)