Welcome 2015 and the start of what I expect to be a crazy year! My name is Allie Peyrucain and my wonderful husband is Christian Peyrucain. I am currently the mother of a beautiful six year old little girl named Aubrey. Well, as you might be able to tell by this blog title, I am now being blessed with three new angels. But we will get to that. Feel free to skip over this part but I am going to give you a little background on mine and my husband, Christian Peyrucain's life so far. Our story began when i was only 14 years old. We started out as friends and eventually blossomed into more. We had our daughter Aubrey at the young ages of 17. This wasn't easy! We struggled and even broke up for a period of time. I’m sure if you asked any teen parent they would tell you that its a tough road to walk but so worth it. My husband and I always loved each other and prayed for one another through it all. Eventually we grew into more mature adults who were ready to start a life together as one.
We were also very blessed with loving families who stood behind us and supported us all along the way, ha who am I kidding they still do! Thank God! My husband and I have walked though some very difficult times, but I am so proud to say we have only grown and become stronger not only in our relationship together but in our relationship with the Lord.
We both grew up in Northern California with wonderful families and friends. I can honestly say, I never imagined leaving! California was my home. But as God would have it, he recently blessed my husband with a job opportunity here in Savannah Georgia! So yes we packed up and left everything we’d known to move across the country. Talk about stepping out of our comfort zone! I must say as a family this was a big growing experience.We had to rely on each other and lean on one another completely. In the end we proved to each other our strength and our ability to be a great team!
We decided we were ready to have another baby and expand our little family. We started trying in the beginning of October. We then found out we were pregnant in September! We were ecstatic and things were moving quickly. After awhile I scheduled my first doctor appointment. It went wonderfully! He guessed I was about 10 weeks and then scheduled me to come back for an ultrasound to get a more accurate due date. Well, this is where the story gets interesting!
I was so excited the morning of my ultrasound! Christian and I were secretly hoping they would be able to tell us the sex of THE baby, but we knew that was a stretch. Ha were we in for a surprise. As I lay on the exam table waiting for the screen to turn on and show my newest blessing the ultrasound tech turns to me and asks,”How blessed are you feeling today?”..... Of course I thought she was only referring to being blessed with ONE baby. So I responded with “very blessed”. She then asked me again,”Are you feeling really blessed today?” Finally the screen I could see lit up and to my surprise I saw two babies!! I turned to the ultrasound tech and asked her, ”Am I having twins?!?” I was in shock, I couldn't believe it. I suddenly wished Christian was with me. The ultrasound tech turned to look at me and she said, “Hunny, you are having triplets!!!” My heart dropped into my stomach and I felt as if I was in a dream. This couldn't be real. I was only 24, I didn't have multiples in my family, I had never done fertility. How was this possible? The rest of the appointment was spent ooohhing and ahhing over my three new blessings. Watching them move and kick. I was then told that two of the babies were identical twins and looked to be two little boys!! The third was fraternal and possibly a girl. I was in so much shock I don't think I asked a single question!
When I left the office I was on cloud nine.I was so excited to have three new additions to my family. There is something about seeing your babies moving inside of you that really changes everything. I was suddenly in love with them, suddenly cared more for them than I imagined, I was protective of them. They are my babies!
I immediately called Christian with the good news! I honestly cant remember exactly how I told him, like I said CLOUD NINE! I told him he was probably getting his boy! But then I told him he would be having THREE NEW BABIES!! Im pretty sure there was the initial, no way, your kidding, get out...then I recall yelling in excitement! Finally I filled him in on everything I knew and then he had to head back to work. Poor guy, how he focused on work that day I do not know! Of course I called my mom and others to share the good news!
As the next few days passed I started reading everything I could get my hands (technically eyes.. seeing as I was using the internet) on. To my dismay it seemed like everything I read was about the risks and complications. Fear started to take over my thoughts, I was so worried something would go wrong. I cried myself to sleep three nights in a row. I was nervous about the babies, nervous about a c-section, nervous about after and how in the world I would care for three newborns and my almost seven year old! What about bed rest and my babies being in the NICU. I was so overwhelmed.
As I continued my internet search I began reading blogs. Let me tell you, this changed everything. It was nice to hear from actual mothers of triplets. I started reading about moms who went through this journey and did wonderfully. Moms who documented there experience and now have three beautiful children. It was so inspiring and pushed me to have a more positive outlook. I can do this. I will do this. I am blessed.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” -Philippians 4:13
(I can't figure out pictures yet, but I will soon! Also, this post is late.. Im currently 16 weeks and will be posting more updates soon.)
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