Maternity Clothes: Yes and no, I can wear my leggings still and just bigger tops. I did go shopping this past weekend and I picked up a few pair of maternity jeans as well as a few tops (Target and Motherhood)! When I am at home I wear comfortable sweatpants or PJ pants and at work I wear scrubs (which are way too small, I had to go buy a bigger pair from Walmart last week).
Stretch Marks: No new ones yet! I got a few with my first
pregnancy (they have almost disappeared now) but I imagine they will creep back
up eventually. I have been using palmers body butter every night before bed and
every morning, so I am hoping that will help!
Sleep: I have NO
trouble falling asleep, heck I am in bed at 8:30pm every night ha! However,
staying asleep is a whole different story. Between waking up to go to the
bathroom and waking up to roll over to my other side (because I’m numb on one
side lol) I am up at least 8 times a night. But like I said, no problem falling
back asleep!
Best Moment This Week: I think the best moment this week so
far was getting my flight home to California! I am so excited to be able to
start shopping and crafting (I am a pinterest lover) for the babies! So now we
have a moving date (February 24th). Yay!
Movement: Yes! I have been feeling “fluttering” and “gold
fish” movements for a while now, but I am finally feeling stronger movements.
It feels more like “rolling”!
Food Cravings: I am obsessed with peaches, nectarines, and
kiwis! I also have to admit, I have had chipotle at least once a week this
month ha! I love the Chicken Bowl!
Genders: Well at 12 weeks we were told two boys and a girl J but at 16 weeks the Midwife
we saw couldn’t get a good view.. so it’s still two boys and a girl!
Symptoms: My feet have been a tad sore, but nothing a little
foot rub from the hubby can’t cure. Also
round ligament pain every once in a while but I figure that has to be normal
with these little babies growing so fast!
Wedding Ring on or off: On! Luckily it’s not even tight yet
(knock on wood)!
Happy or moody: I have been so happy and in such great
spirits my whole pregnancy thus far! Which is very different from my first
pregnancy, I cried about anything and everything HA. But recently I have been easily
stressed out. I think the combination of moving (which includes going through
everything we have and deciding what to keep and what to purge, packing our
apartment, shipping our cars and furniture, scheduling dates, getting Aubrey
ready to transfer schools) and well everything else on my plate, I am
overwhelmed! Oh and I am still working L
I keep telling myself to take a deep breath and relax, it works sometimes lol..
Weight Gain: Yeppers! Not sure how much to be honest but I
am going to keep better track of that from now on.
Looking forward to:
Getting home to California and into our new home!!! I am also excited
for my next ultrasound because I am hoping we will find out the babies sexes
with more certainty.
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